The trouble you are experiencing with our software is a sign of a Windows problem on your computer. The problem you are experiencing deals with the Windows registry and the permissions on registry keys.

This is a Windows issue, not directly associated with StopSign Anti-Virus. Windows is keeping StopSign, and possibly other programs on your computer, from functioning properly. You will continue to have these problems if the issue is not repaired.

Microsoft has created a knowledge base article on how to fix this issue (MICROSOFT ARTICLE LINK). Click on the link and follow the instructions in the Microsoft knowledge base article.

NOTE: After clicking the link above, click the "+" in front of "Method A".

If you have any problems with the Microsoft knowledge base, or problems with their directions, please contact Microsoft.

After you have completed the steps in the Microsoft  knowledge base, follow the rest of these directions to get StopSign up and running.

Note: Text in UPPERCASE or "phrases in quotes" indicate text you will see on your computer screen.

We recommend you print these instructions before proceeding.


NOTE: If you are unable to uninstall successfully, please proceed directly to the


If you have further problems with these steps, please
contact our tech support team.