How to power cycle the Cable or DSL modem
If you have lost your Internet connection, you can try to reset the system yourself by "power cycling" your modem. (The cable/DSL companies call it power cycling, but you are really just resetting or turning each device off and then on.) Usually that is all you need to do to get your Internet connection back.
1. Perform a normal shutdown of all computers connected to the DSL modem.
2. If a router or other device is connected between your computer and the Cable/ DSL modem, power down this device also. (Note: If you have multiple devices between your computer and the Cable/ DSL modem, continue to power down all devices.)
3. Power down the Cable/ DSL modem by disconnecting the power supply line. Leave it unplugged for 20 to 30 seconds before reconnecting the power to the modem.
4. Power up the modem. Please wait for the Internet light to stop blinking before proceeding.
5. After the Cable/ DSL modem has been powered up, continue to power up any routers that may be between your computer and the Cable/ DSL modem. Make sure that each device is fully powered up before proceeding to the next device.
6. Finally, power on your computer or computers one at a time. You should be able to access the Internet.
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